Amerigo Park?
Amerigo Park est société de production documentaire créée en 2019 par Jérémy Parotte. Créations personnelles ou collaborations, classiques ou expérimentaux, les projets d’Amerigo Park démarrent toujours d’une rencontre, de quelque chose qui touche, interpelle ou révolte. Quel que soit le format, l’idée est souvent de gratter les apparences pour révéler l’invisible.
Aujourd’hui ouverte à d’autres formes d’expression, particulièrement à la photographie, Amerigo Park se présente comme un grand terrain d’explorations pluridisciplinaire qui reflètent notre monde – ses défis, ses bizarreries et ses espoirs.
Amerigo Park is a documentary production company created in 2019 by Jérémy Parotte. Personal creations or collaborations, classic or experimental, Amerigo Park’s projects always start with an encounter, with something that touches, challenges or revolts. Whatever the format, the idea is often to scrape away the apparent banalities to reveal the invisible. Now open to other forms of expression, particularly photography, Amerigo Park presents itself as a large field of multidisciplinary explorations that reflect our world – its challenges, its oddities and its hopes.
After his master’s degree in cultural mediation at the University of Liège, he will work for an NGO in Peru, get involved in various community projects, create a charitable music festival, and work on communication for a company before launching, in 2013, in an entrepreneurial adventure by co-founding the audiovisual agency Otra Vista. Still active to this day, the company mainly focuses on commissioned projects whose favorite themes are ecological transition, resilience, food, education and even collaborations with the cultural sector. Rich in a wide variety of professional and human experiences, behind the production of a bunch of short reportage and commissioned documentary projects for more than 10 years, he turned with passion to independent documentary from 2019 by producing first the film “Sur les Voix des Amériques” by Julien Defourny (Ushuaia TV prize in 2021) and then directing his first two films “Rien que la vérité” and “After the rain”. The latter, co-directed with Quentin Noirfalisse, is released in theaters throughout Wallonia and Brussels from June 2024. He currently divides his time between personal film and creative projects, one-off commission projects with the Otra Vista agency and his large family : Doriane, Aymeric, Anita and Avril.